Saturday, September 18, 2010

Other Health Issues

I have been agonizing over this entry. At first I wasn’t going to mention any of this, but then I decided to. Since this is affecting my training, it should be mentioned in this blog… I know what you’re thinking; what is she talking about??

Well, I have an ongoing issue with migraine headaches and have been seeing doctors about them for a while. After my back injury, I started physical therapy for my migraine headaches. I wasn’t really sure what could be accomplished but, as an exercise addict, was willing to try.

At first the exercises and neck manipulations were brutal, I left every appointment with a migraine. I was miserable and ready to stop. I went for a couple of sessions and noticed that the exercises were actually helping my neck pain and spasms. This was pretty encouraging. The physical therapist and I had a discussion and decided that the manipulations were not beneficial. He recommended that I try traction.

I am not sure about you, but when he said “traction” I immediately had an image, which was better suited to a castle dungeon or dominatrix than a physical therapy office. I was hesitant, but still willing to try anything to get rid of pain.

The first traction experience was a little strange, but amazing. I was pain-free for two hours afterwards. The absence of pain was so intense that I felt euphoric. I continued with the traction until the end of my sessions.

The neurologist decided that I should get x-rays of my neck, since I responded so well to the physical therapy and traction. He suspected that I was having a problem with degenerative disk disease. It turned out that he was partially right. The films showed that I had spondylosis, degenerative disk disease and a reverse curve in my neck. What all of this meant is that I had pain in my neck that was causing migraines, not the other way around. So, more physical therapy and traction was the answer.

I am almost at the end of my physical therapy and I do feel a lot better. I am not sure if I will be able to continue running. I might have to replace it with cycling or swimming. I still plan on continuing with the project.

I look back at the pain that I have had for many years in my neck and have always assumed that it was just normal. Now, I have more days without pain, it is magical. The exercises are really helping and the traction is great. The whole treatment has dramatically decreased the number of migraines that I am getting. I am working on having a traction device in my home. I am very excited.

I have not been in training for a couple of months and I am looking forward to beginning again. This kind of stuff comes with age, but it doesn’t have to stop you.

It isn’t going to stop me.