Thursday, April 29, 2010

Aikido Training


To start this class we did a lot of rolling on the mat. We then worked on a move that had the risk of “clothes-lining” your partner. And you guessed it, I got clothes-lined. I think the problem was that I wasn’t sure what to do or how to fall or how to move with the whole process. This frustrated me immensely. So, I am confused about the “attacker” role most of the time.

We also worked on a defense for being choked from behind. I didn’t get it at all! I couldn’t get the desired result and I continued being choked. The funny thing is that I was too confused to be frustrated. Okay, being choked was really irritating.

I am not really retaining a lot of what we learn. The procedures are very complicated, and I know that I keep mentioning this. The problem for me is this; it is already difficult for me to learn anything physical and adding complicated moves on top of that makes it seem impossible. Generally, I take what I learn and try to create muscle memory by practicing the move or procedure over and over. But, I can’t remember most of what we do, so I can’t really practice it at home.

So, here comes some advice for anyone interested in Aikido. If I decided to continue on with this martial art, I would want to be able to attend classes more than once or twice a week. This would help me to practice the moves more and develop muscle memory.

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