Friday, March 18, 2011

Chi Kung

I had my first Chi Kung (aka Quigong) class today at the Lohan School of Shaolin. It seems to be a form of energy (chi) manipulation and meditation. We covered posture, breathing and did a creative visualization meditation.

I have, honestly, never really studied this form of meditation. There will be five classes in this series and we are expected to practice the techniques and learn the material. So, I will be studying and practicing.

On another note, I think this instructor will be teaching me tai chi. I am glad to finally find an instructor, since I have already been rejected by two different instructors. I’m still note sure why I am having such a hard time finding someone to teach me tai chi.

I believe that having this as a foundation will help me to understand Chinese martial arts a little better. Most of them have something to do with using chi. If it also helps my condition, even better.

Class number two went well. We moved more in the class, which was a little difficult. The movements weren’t difficult, it was difficult trying to focus on the energy protocol and then add the hand and arm movements to it. I didn’t really feel that the hand motions were helping move my energy, but we already know that specific movements aren’t my friends.

I was interested in how movement could enhance meditation. I have been meditating for over 20 years, and have never used any kind of movement. I think I might have to practice the movements until they are comfortable and then add them to the meditation. So, for now, I am trying to copy the instructor and try not to look like a complete dork.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Getting Back to Exercise

The last visit with my neurologist finally gave me some good news. My efforts with the physical therapy and exercise are paying off. I don’t need to have any more medications and I can slowly start exercising. We talked about running again and he said that there was a limit to my running.

A limit to my running… Unfortunately my brain doesn’t understand that concept. If I run a mile, I want to try for one more. If I run four miles, I want to run six. Well, you get the point. I know that I won’t stop at 6 miles a week or 8 or whatever the magic number will be. So, I have to end my decade relationship with running.

The funny thing is that I say the words “I have to stop running,” but I don’t really get it yet. I keep thinking about when I can run or when I need to buy new shoes or check out a route that looks good. All of these urges are such a huge part of me that my brain doesn’t believe my mouth yet.

I have been having withdrawals. Especially since the weather is getting so nice, my legs want to go. I am having more cramps and not sleeping so well. My lower back is sore and stiff more often. I actually catch myself fantasizing about running, I really have problems.

Since, I have started with the yoga fusion routine, my cramping has really decreased. I am going to start walking and hiking and maybe cycling. When the pool is warm enough, I am going to start swimming again. I have many options and will explore all of them, but it’s hard to give up running.

So, wish me luck. I gotta keep moving.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Slow Progress

I am making progress with my migraines. The frequency of the migraines has decreased, at least in connection with the neck pain. I am down to one neck pain related migraine every three months (I am averaging).

That’s great… isn’t it?

So, now that I have been working on my neck issues I am having more pain. That is good and bad at the same time. It’s bad because I am having more pain, but it’s good because I am fixing the alignment problem. Slowly, but surely, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. I am on medications, doing exercises every day and making progress.

Okay, I am not going to lie. This is frustrating and limiting. I want to run, I want to work out, I want to continue training in martial arts. The medications have terrible side effects and I get a bit cranky about taking them. Yes, the meds work, but I just don’t want to take daily medication.

Every morning I do a physical therapy/ yoga fusion routine. I am pleased that it is working and I have about two hours of no pain afterwards. My range of motion has increased. Of course, as an exercise addict, I want to be able to use exercise to fix whatever ails me.

Even though I’m impatient with myself, I can see the progress.