Saturday, March 5, 2011

Getting Back to Exercise

The last visit with my neurologist finally gave me some good news. My efforts with the physical therapy and exercise are paying off. I don’t need to have any more medications and I can slowly start exercising. We talked about running again and he said that there was a limit to my running.

A limit to my running… Unfortunately my brain doesn’t understand that concept. If I run a mile, I want to try for one more. If I run four miles, I want to run six. Well, you get the point. I know that I won’t stop at 6 miles a week or 8 or whatever the magic number will be. So, I have to end my decade relationship with running.

The funny thing is that I say the words “I have to stop running,” but I don’t really get it yet. I keep thinking about when I can run or when I need to buy new shoes or check out a route that looks good. All of these urges are such a huge part of me that my brain doesn’t believe my mouth yet.

I have been having withdrawals. Especially since the weather is getting so nice, my legs want to go. I am having more cramps and not sleeping so well. My lower back is sore and stiff more often. I actually catch myself fantasizing about running, I really have problems.

Since, I have started with the yoga fusion routine, my cramping has really decreased. I am going to start walking and hiking and maybe cycling. When the pool is warm enough, I am going to start swimming again. I have many options and will explore all of them, but it’s hard to give up running.

So, wish me luck. I gotta keep moving.

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