Friday, March 18, 2011

Chi Kung

I had my first Chi Kung (aka Quigong) class today at the Lohan School of Shaolin. It seems to be a form of energy (chi) manipulation and meditation. We covered posture, breathing and did a creative visualization meditation.

I have, honestly, never really studied this form of meditation. There will be five classes in this series and we are expected to practice the techniques and learn the material. So, I will be studying and practicing.

On another note, I think this instructor will be teaching me tai chi. I am glad to finally find an instructor, since I have already been rejected by two different instructors. I’m still note sure why I am having such a hard time finding someone to teach me tai chi.

I believe that having this as a foundation will help me to understand Chinese martial arts a little better. Most of them have something to do with using chi. If it also helps my condition, even better.

Class number two went well. We moved more in the class, which was a little difficult. The movements weren’t difficult, it was difficult trying to focus on the energy protocol and then add the hand and arm movements to it. I didn’t really feel that the hand motions were helping move my energy, but we already know that specific movements aren’t my friends.

I was interested in how movement could enhance meditation. I have been meditating for over 20 years, and have never used any kind of movement. I think I might have to practice the movements until they are comfortable and then add them to the meditation. So, for now, I am trying to copy the instructor and try not to look like a complete dork.


  1. Keep it up. I had Qigong or kiko or chigong classes a long time ago. It felt good, but also too slow for my taste. When I no longer can practice karate, I'll probably get to it. until then... ha. :)

    Be well.
